A La Carte (October 15)
[image: A La Carte Collection cover image]A La Carte: Satan loves social
media / Playing roulette with a snowy owl / The church at election time /
When the...
Parties to the Covenant
“If the sacraments are thought of a covenant actions between persons,
rather than as static, ontological realities contained within the font or
resting o...
A Heart of Thankfulness
Psalm 107:1 “O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His steadfast
love endures forever.” Prayer – Lord, may I never forget all the blessings
You ...
Are Your Relationships Codependent?
Common Codependent Relationships
In the examples below, the first person is dependent on the second person
and the second person is actually the codepend...
The Bible Gateway Blog Has Moved!
Please visit Bible Gateway: News & Knowledge for the latest articles and
updates from Bible Gateway, including Bible-related news, information, and
of co...
The Power of Being Transparent in Friendships
It's easy to keep our struggles to ourselves and sometimes it feels as if
everyone else has it together. But, sharing our stories—even the hard ones,
Are You Missing Girlfriends in God Devotions?
Are You Missing Girlfriends in God Devotions?By Gwen Smith On August 5,
2023Today's Truth
Have you missed Girlfriends in God devotions arriving daily in ...
Transgender Healthcare: Progress and Challenges
In recent years, there has been significant progress in the realm of
transgender healthcare, reflecting a growing awareness of the unique needs
of transg...